Value creation through collaboration
Excel in medical operations by using collaborative Quality management software of Medicalbench®. Check out our features and options.

Your Medicalbench® participation will contribute in a continous quality improvement in healthcare
As a Medical professional become a Medicalbench® member
What customers say
Medicalbench gives me insight of our quality performance, which is not usually transparent for me and my colleagues. It expands our vision of doing Healthcare
Learn from experiences and improve your performance as Medical professional.
Partnerships for Medical device Suppliers and Educational Institutes.

✔ Result oriented benchmarking
✔ Worldwide outcome monitoring
✔ Integrated Care case management
✔ Exchange on anonymous data
✔ Free try-out usage of Standalone version

After sign-in you receive the authorisation keys and you can download the software.
Explore your treatment performances and join our 'Smart Data' analytics.

Medicalbench® and the Pelvictrainer®
Our software is used with the pelvic floor trainer Pelvic Trainer.
This is an external pelvic floor trainer for men, women and children.
With the Pelvictrainer you train the pelvic floor on strength, coordination, endurance and relaxation
The measurement data is shared with the therapist and compared with all therapists using Medicalbench.

The features of Medicalbench®
Trend analysis
Trend analyse of measurement outcomes to reduce variance
Frequency analysis
Optimization of treatment frequency versus outcomes
Performance monitoring
Performance monitoring to excellence in operation
Score list
Periodic score list per diagnosis and interventions
Contact The Netherlands
Msys B.V.
Van Breugelplantsoen 42
3771 VR Barneveld
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 342 408760

Standout through innovation: That is the mission Msys Medical Systems®.
The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.

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