In Medicalbench you can generate charts based on best practice collected data in real time. This means that various suppliers, such as physiotherapists, doctors, etc., the measurment results independently supplied.
As an example, below the pattern is shown of the expected results of pelvic floor training in stress incontinence. This pattern indicates what for stress incontinence the diagnosis norm could be of a pelvicfloor training treatment.
Apparently, there are treatments of a period, registered 10 * 14 days, of five months. The chart below shows that the best training performance was achieved in a treatment program for 4 to 5 periods of 14 days each.
In other words the best treatment results were achieved after a two months training period.

Such reports and overviews can help you understand what is expected in terms of recovery, but also an expectation of treatment duration.
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3771 VR Barneveld
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 342 408760

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The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.

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