Standard features
Medicalbench® offers the following features and functions:
• Storage of medical treatment data for a patient
• Data exchange with other IT information systems and with measurement devices
• Reports about treaments with and without graphical views
• Feedback about performance as medical professional (MD, specialist, physiotherapist etc.) compared to general performance standard
• Advice regarding intervention based on registered performance (see "Additional functionalities")
• Advice regarding the frequency of treatments based on performance (see "Additional functionalities")
• Raising awareness about a disease based on performance (see "Additional functionalities")
Medicalbench® registers the following data of the treatment process.
For the treatment process of the patient a care plan is created which can consist of several different treatments running in parallel or after to each other.

Each treament process is identief by a diagnosis.
Medicalbench® stores the data of a treatment process in random order.
Data includes information regarding care plan, diagnosis, complaint and measurement results. These include the performance quality indicators related to the respective (quality) measurement tools.
Medicalbench® has the option to provide the quality data by hand or by using digital measurement instruments.
Data Exchange
To save time Medicalbench® provides the option to exchange patient and treatment data with your administration system.
Medicalbench® supports learning curves and improvement processes by providing feedback regarding the performance indicators over time. This feedback is provided as reports and comparison algorithms.
The comparison algorithms support you to learn how well you perform compared to your (anonymous) colleagues. Medicalbench® can at some points provide you suggestions to look at an a combination of interventions for improvement of the result.
Features in Medicalbench® regarding an improvement process are:
• Trend analysis of treatment to reduce variance in result

• Performance monitoring to get treatment at required high level

• Analysis of treatment frequency to optimize treatment process

• Score list of performance indicator for each diagnosis and intervention

A score of 100 is equivalent to average, lower is worse and higher is better than average.
The diagnosis code is in accordance with ICD-10.
Periodically, this list is generated and emailed to the Medicalbench® user.
Medicalbench® has a function to create a report (in PDF format) for each treatment process. In this report all relevant treatment data are listed.

Contact The Netherlands
Msys B.V.
Van Breugelplantsoen 42
3771 VR Barneveld
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 342 408760

Standout through innovation: That is the mission Msys Medical Systems®.
The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.

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