Approach and organisation
To support the improvement process Medicalbench® is designed as a learning tool for medical professionals. Data from achieved medical improvements are compared with results from other patients who have an identical diagnosis. The data are anonymous.
The population for comparison can be specified to:
• treatment / desease / intervention
• sex of patient
• age group of patient
For this Medicalbench® works real time. That means that your benchmark is based on actual data without a time delay.
Medicalbench® works worldwide; the comparison is based on international desease codes of WHO. The population is huge but available as a Smart Data (Big Data with intelligence).

Medicalbench® is based on the principles of Collaborative Quality Management. This makes integration of healthcare partners and their clients at home as possible.
Medicalbench® uses medical results of standardized measurement and evaluation methods.
The approach aims to incrementally grow to an optimal and valuable situation. Various stakeholders are involved in the improvement process.

In the diagram the functions are indicated for which Medicalbench® supports the improvement process.
During the improvement cycles Medicalbench® helps you to improve your health outcomes (Outcomes) by:
• Identifying exceptions in treatments
• Making proposals for successful interventions
• Reducing risks by continuous monitoring
• Reporting and visualizing of measurement results
In each step of improvement the Deming Circle Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Learn) is followed iteratively.

In analogy to this method the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) method is used, a Lean Six Sigma process for continuous improvement. This is a systematic, structured and fact-based methodology.
Contact The Netherlands
Msys B.V.
Van Breugelplantsoen 42
3771 VR Barneveld
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 342 408760

Standout through innovation: That is the mission Msys Medical Systems®.
The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.

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