Value determination of medical procedures
Medicalbench® indicates the Value of the medical treatment by dividing the qualitative result (Outcome) by the direct costs of it (Costs).
Value = Outcome / Cost
Watch at TED the video of Stefan Larsson on this Issue

The functional quality parameters (Outcome)
The most significant functional quality parameters in healthcare are:
1. Pain (50% of the patient population visits a doctor due to pain)
2. Mobility (progress)
3. Strength
4. Coordination
5. Endurance
6. Wellbeing of patient and professional
7. Correct use of medications and prescriptions
For these Medicalbench® has the right validated measurement tools incorporated.
Medicalbench® computes for each medical treatment process, that is characterized by a diagnosis and one or more methods of treatments, the change per registered quality parameter (Outcome).
Cost aspects (Costs)
Cost aspects that play a role in deciding for a treatment during a medical treatment process are e.g.:
• Number of visitations during the treatment process chain
• Amount of materials used like medicines, medical devices etc.
• Hourly rate of the medical professionals involved
• Recovery time relation with the used treatment
• Time to recurrence of the complaint
Medicalbench® receives administrative details for this from Health Information Systems.
Contact The Netherlands
Msys B.V.
Van Breugelplantsoen 42
3771 VR Barneveld
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 342 408760

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The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.

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