The Goals of Medicalbench
The goals of Medicalbench® by means of bench marking of medical treatments:
• better valuation (income) from treatments (at a lower amount of needed treatment sessions)
• efficiency improvement (less treatment for a comparable medical result)
• optimization of costs per patient (comparable overall costs for a quicker medical result)

You and your client will profit from a better performance both in operational cost as in effectiveness.
To meet these goals Medicalbench® uses algorithms for comparance. By means of these algorithms every formal measurement (outcome) is an indicator for performance and a source for indicating improvements.
This way Medicalbench® provides you with a dashboard to implement specific improvements into your organisation. And to secure and report these.
Also can Medicalbench® provide you with a strong negotiation position towards health insurance companies.
Contact The Netherlands
Msys B.V.
Van Breugelplantsoen 42
3771 VR Barneveld
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 342 408760

Standout through innovation: That is the mission Msys Medical Systems®.
The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.

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